Screen Test Menopausa

Screen Test Menopause 2 pieces

PHARMACIST CODE: 912359256 – RETAIL PRICE €. 16,00 Screen Test Menopause is a rapid test for self-diagnostic use detects the presence of FSH Hormone, can help determine if a woman is in the perimenopausal phase. Menopause is the permanent cessation of menstruation. The period leading to menopause and the 12 months following are known as perimenopause. Screen Test Menopause is an in vitro diagnostic Medical Device CE 0123. Read the warnings and operating instructions carefully.


  • FSH Hormone Detection

  • Quick result

  • Available in Pharmacy

How to use

  • Determine the day on which to perform the test (see operating instructions “When to perform the test”).

  • If you are still menstruating every month, take the first test during the first week of your cycle (days 2-7, considering day 1 the first of your period). If the result is negative but symptoms persist, repeat the test a week later. If you are no longer menstruating regularly, perform the test at any time during the month and repeat it 1 week later.

  • Bring the package to room temperature before opening it. Take the test device out of the sealed package and use it immediately within one hour.

  • Remove the cap from the device and hold the test so that the absorbent tip is placed in the urine stream or place the absorbent tip (≥ 2/3) in the urine sample in a clean container for at least 10 to 15 seconds.

  • Place the cap back on the test, then place it on a clean, stable surface with the test and control windows facing upward.

  • When the test begins to run, you may notice a faint coloration running through the results window. Read the results after 3 minutes. If no results appear, wait one more minute. Do not read the results after 10 minutes.

Package Contents

  • No. 2 Menopause Test

  • Operating Instructions

Operating Instructions