Screen Test Ferritina

Screen Test Ferritin

PHARMACIST CODE: 922411741 – RETAIL PRICE €. 16,00 Screen Test Ferritin is a rapid test for self-diagnostic use that tests ferritin levels in the blood. Ferritin is a major component of hemoglobin. Its qualitative and quantitative analysis allows diagnosis and monitoring of anemia. Screen Test Ferritin is an in vitro diagnostic Medical Device CE 0373. Read the warnings and operating instructions carefully.


  • Detection of ferritin levels in blood

  • Rapid result for ferritin in blood

  • Available in Pharmacy

How to use

  • Wash hands with soap and rinse with clean lukewarm water.

  • Bring the package to room temperature before opening it. Open the sealed package and take out the device.

  • Gently pull and discard the hand’s protective cap.

  • Use the alcohol swab provided to clean the tip of the middle or ring finger, site of the puncture.

  • Press the lancet, from the side where the cap was removed, against the tip of the finger (ring finger side is recommended). The tip automatically and safely retracts after use.

  • Keeping the hand facing downward, massage the puncture site to obtain a drop of blood.

  • Without pressing the bulb of the capillary dropper, put it in contact with the blood. Blood will migrate in the capillary dropper to the line indicated on the dropper. You can massage the finger again to get more blood if the line is not reached. As much as possible, try to avoid the formation of air bubbles.

  • Put the collected blood into the sample well of the device by squeezing the dropper bulb.

  • Wait until the blood is completely poured into the well. Unscrew the cap of the buffer bottle and add 1 drop of buffer to the sample well of the device.

  • Wait for the colored line(s) to appear. Read the results at 5 minutes. Do not interpret the results after 10 minutes.

Package Contents

  • No. 1 Ferritin Test

  • No. 1 Capillary dropper

  • No. 1 Buffer

  • No. 1 Swab with alcohol

  • N.1 Hand

  • Operating Instructions

Operating Instructions