SCREEN PHARMA is a brand of Screen Italia, a company that distributes rapid tests for private use in Pharmacies of Italy. All of our Products are available in the Pharmacy. Through the use of rapid tests that can be done in the comfort of your own home, you can get quick answers quickly to questions related to substance abuse issues, health status, and pregnancy. Product categories include, SCREEN DUG TESTS, products not intended for medical purposes, are disposable tests that through urine or saliva detect the presence of drugs, such as heroin, cocaine, marjuana, cannabis, amphetamine, ketamine, and synthetic drugs. The test can be conducted in the privacy of one’s own home, avoiding situations that may cause embarrassment and providing answers quickly. SCREEN ALCOHOL TESTS, products not intended for medical purposes, allow for the testing of alcohol in the body using disposable salivary tests or digital breathalyzers. SCREEN MAMMA TESTS, which are designed for pregnancy and women’s health, in the category we find a Pregnancy test and an Ovulation (Urine) test for the qualitative detection of luteinizing hormone (LH) in urine to help detect ovulation. SCREEN CHECK TESTS, which are easy-to-use products such as infrared thermometer, finger pulse oximeter that monitors blood oxygen concentration, blood pressure monitor, designed to monitor one’s health status quickly and independently, HIV Test, Stool Occult Blood Test, Vaginal pH Test, Nicotine Test, Menopause Test, Urinary Tract Infections Test, Ferritin Test for Anemia, Helicobacter Pylori Test, Thyroid Test, Male Fertility Test, Candida Test, and the Celiac Disease Test. The Screen product line also expands into the field of Supplements, with the SCREEN LIFE category, to the field of beauty products, with the smart LED beauty mask from the Screen BEAUTY line, and finally the Veterinary SCREENVET line made for the qualitative detection of antigens or antibodies of major infections in dogs, cats or large animals.
For Technical Assistance:
Screen Italia Srl – Via dell’Artigianato, 16 – 06089 – Torgiano – Perugia – Italia
Email: info@screenpharma.it – Mobile: 329 7566116 – Phone: 075 388 70 81 – Fax: 075 630 623 59

Check Test
Infrared Thermometer, Blood Pressure Monitor, Finger Pulse Oximeter, Screen Test Stool Blood, Screen Test Vaginal pH, Screen Test Sperm Count, INSTI HIV Self Test, Screen Test Helicobacter Pylori, Screen Test Thyroid TSH, Screen Test Urinary Infections, Screen Test Ferritin, Screen Test Menopause, Nicotine Test.