Screen Droga Test Urina 5

Screen Drug Urine Test 5

PHARMACIST CODE: 911151633 – RETAIL PRICE €. 24,00

Urine drug test that detects 5 substances. The Drug Test detects the presence of 5 drugs through a urine test: Cocaine (COC), Amphetamine (AMP), Meth-Amfetamine (mAMP), Marijuana (THC), and Opiates (OPI). Specific result for each substance analyzed.

Free-sale product not intended for medical purposes.


  • Simultaneous detection of 5 types of drugs on urine

  • Specific result for each type of drug analyzed

  • Available in Pharmacy

How to use

  • Before opening the wrapper, bring it to room temperature. Take Screen Droga Test out of the wrapper and use it as soon as possible.

  • Remove the cap from the strips. Dip Screen Droga Test vertically, in the direction of the arrows, into the urine sample for at least 10 to 15 seconds. Dip Screen Droga Test down to the level of the wavy lines on the strips but not above them.

  • Replace the cap to the device and place Screen Droga Test horizontally on a flat non-absorbent surface. Read the result after 5 minutes. Do not interpret the result after 10 minutes.

Package Contents

  • No. 1 Urine container

  • No. 1 Drug Test Urine 5

  • Operating Instructions

Operating Instructions